
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Final 86th Oscar Predictions

Gravity should win the most awards, but will it nab Best Picture?

I'm thinking 12 Years a Slave might end up winning Best Picture after all (which would be great), but I'm going to stick with Gravity. While some of these feel too safe - and others wrong, I could see the winners looking a lot like the ones below. Good luck to everyone on their predictions!

Best Picture:

Will win: Gravity
Could win: 12 Years a Slave
Should win: Gravity

Best Director:

Will win: Alfonso Cuarón, Gravity
Could win: Steve McQueen, 12 Years a Slave
Should win: Alfonso Cuarón, Gravity

Best Actor:

Will win: Matthew McConaughey, Dallas Buyers Club
Could win: Chiwetel Ejiofor, 12 Years a Slave
Should win: Leonardo DiCaprio, The Wolf of Wall Street

Best Actress:

Will win: Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine
Could win: Amy Adams, American Hustle
Should win: Sandra Bullock, Gravity 

Best Supporting Actor:

Will win: Jared Leto, Dallas Buyers Club
Could win: Barkhad Abdi, Captain Phillips
Should win: Michael Fassbender, 12 Years a Slave

Best Supporting Actress:

Will win: Lupita Nyong'o, 12 Years a Slave
Could win: Jennifer Lawrence, American Hustle
Should win: Lupita Nyong'o, 12 Years a Slave

Best Adapted Screenplay:

Will win: 12 Years a Slave
Could win: Philomena
Should win: Before Midnight

Best Original Screenplay:

Will win: Her
Could win: American Hustle
Should win: Her

Best Production Design:

Will win: The Great Gatsby
Could win: 12 Years a Slave
Should win: Her

Best Cinematography:

Will win: Gravity
Could win: Inside Llewyn Davis
Should win: Inside Llewyn Davis

Best Costume Design:

Will win: The Great Gatsby
Could win: American Hustle
Should win: The Great Gatsby

Best Film Editing:

Will win: Captain Phillips
Could win: Gravity
Should win: Captain Phillips

Best Original Score:

Will win: Gravity
Could win: Her
Should win: Gravity

Best Original Song:

Will win: "Let It Go" from Frozen
Could win: "Ordinary Love" from Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
Should win: "Let It Go" from Frozen

Best Makeup and Hairstyling:

Will win: Dallas Buyers Club
Could win: The Lone Ranger
Should win: The Lone Ranger

Best Sound Mixing:

Will win: Gravity
Could win: Captain Phillips
Should win: Gravity

Best Sound Editing:

Will win: Gravity
Could win: Captain Phillips
Should win: Gravity

Best Visual Effects:

Will win: Gravity
Could win: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Should win: Gravity

Best Animated Feature Film: 

Will win: Frozen
Could win: The Wind Rises
Should win: Frozen

Best Documentary Feature Film: 

Will win: 20 Feet from Stardom
Could win: The Act of Killing
Should win: The Act of Killing

Best Foreign Language Film:

Will win: The Great Beauty (Italy)
Could win: The Broken Circle Breakdown (Belgium)
Should win: The Hunt (Denmark)

Best Live Action Short Film:

Will win: The Voorman Problem
Could win: Helium

Best Animated Short Film:

Will win: Get a Horse!
Could win: Mr. Hublot

Best Documentary Short Film:

Will win: The Lady in Number 6: Music Saved My Life
Could win: CaveDigger

Predicted Tally:

Gravity - 7 wins
Dallas Buyers Club - 3 wins
Frozen - 2 wins
The Great Gatsby - 2 wins
12 Years a Slave - 2 wins
Blue Jasmine - 1 win
Captain Phillips - 1 win
Get a Horse! - 1 win
The Great Beauty - 1 win
Her - 1 win
The Lady in Number 6: Music Saved My Life - 1 win
20 Feet from Stardom - 1 win
The Voorman Problem - 1 win

The Oscars will be presented live on ABC this Sunday, March 2.


  1. I'm pretty much predicting the same. I was going to post mine yesterday, but I'm trying to get ahold of the rest of the shorts (doc and animated), but I'll probably just buckle and post this afternoon.


    1. I can't wait!! This ceremony is going to be a nail-biter. There are so many categories that could go either way.

  2. Ahh, you're probably right about Great Gatsby winning production design. *resists giving in and editing my own predictions* I don't know why, that picture you just posted of it made a light bulb go off in my head. I never saw it.

    1. I could see Gatsby not winning in either category. It's the safest bet, though. :/

  3. I really REALLY hope you are right about most of those :)

  4. Great picks! This year are categories of so many favorites for nominations - especially acting. I'd truly love to see some surprises from the previous award shows this season. Couldn't agree more with your picks of Gravity and Sandra Bullock. :)

    1. Thanks! I think we could see a few surprises. I'd love to see a shocker in the acting categories. Glad to hear you're also a fan of Gravity and Bullock's performance. :)

  5. I won't post my predictions on my blog. So I'll just post them here for record. I only would have done top 8 anyways + Foreign film. Plus, they are pretty much same as yours.

    I'll only predict the big one to 12 Years a Slave and Foreign film to The Hunt. Why all of sudden is everyone jumping ships to The Great Beauty? What did I miss?

    Lets see who gets more right out of these. :)

    1. 12 Years a Slave might pull it off, but I'm counting on the preferential ballot to favor Gravity.

      I think a lot of people switched to The Great Beauty because it won the BAFTA and Golden Globe. Since all Oscar voters can now vote on Foreign Film (without having necessarily seen all the nominees), there's the belief that some of them will just lazily vote for it since it won those prizes. Remember, in previous years, Academy members could only vote on Foreign Film if they attended special screenings for all the nominees in that category. That's not the case anymore. Still, it could be The Hunt, as some voters might've heard of the film and blindly voted for it instead.

      Haha, I want to seem some upsets, even if my predictions suffer! :)

  6. We have many overlaps in our predictions. Perhaps Act of Killing and The Hunt are too daring, 20 Feet from Stardom and The Great Beauty have a good chance, and seem more oscar friendly.

    Supporting Actress and Best Picture look wide open this year. 12Y could be too violent for it to win the big prize, so Gravity is a solid choice. I'm still going with 12 Y in my predictions, and Gravity winning director and technical prizes.

    1. I can't wait to see what happens in Best Picture. What if we're all wrong and it goes to American Hustle?!
