
Sunday, December 20, 2015

2015 SoundSpec Awards

Kendrick Lamar leads the Grammy noms, but how does he do here?

Before I post my top 25 albums and songs lists of 2015, I've done my music awards first this year. I've added two new categories called Best Urban Contemporary Album and Song, which honor genres like hip hop, R&B, jazz, and soul. I'll update my 2012-2014 ballots with this new category soon. Note: Movie songs, scores, and soundtracks aren't eligible for my awards. Also, you can click on the images to enlarge them.


  1. Cool post! Nice to see love for REALiTi and the Melody Gardot song. I also liked albums by Kendrick Lamar, Björk and Sufjan Stevens. Carly Rae Jepsen's I honestly got a bit tired of, though I did enjoy it for a while! A few new-to-me artists on your list to explore :)

    1. Thanks! Jepsen's album has been one of my favorites for months. I heard two bonus tracks from the Japanese edition recently, and they made me love the album even more.

      Hope you find some artists you like! :)

  2. LOVE!

    The Kendrick win is so deserved! Love that album. Troye Sivan making it in for WILD makes me so happy, too. The Demi snub in Pop Performance stings a bit, but that lineup is pretty great so I'll let it slide (not really, I'm pretty bitter about it). The Hills getting in over Can't Feel My Face in UC song is so great too, since it's the better track :-D

    And that Ed win is like OMG amazing and SO DESERVED!!!

    1. Thanks, buddy!

      I never expected Kendrick to SLAY, but I love that it ended up like that. And I forgot that the new version of Bad Blood was released this year, so I'm happy that Swift was able to randomly win an award.

      LOL. Demi's Performance snub happened when I was wrapping things up, but I do love my lineup. And at least she gets an Album nom.

      Haha, The Hills fits the UC category better, and I love that I could recognize both songs.

      That's five wins for Ed now! ;)

  3. Soundspec Awards! How awesome is that, I didn't know you're doing a music version of CinSpec :D

    I'm off on holiday to NYC Josh, have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. Thanks, Ruth! I need to update my 2012-2014 music ones, which are linked at the bottom of the CinSpec Awards page.

      Have a great holiday, Ruth! :D

  4. Great work here. Dude, I cannot tell you how many times I've blasted "King Kunta." That song is such a classic. Absolutely love it.

    1. Thanks! I'm so glad I gave To Pimp a Butterfly a chance, since I wasn't wowed by Good Kid, M.A.A.D City. (Need to revisit the latter.) "King Kunta" is a fantastic track. Thrilled that you're a fan as well.
