
Monday, April 27, 2015

Blind Spot: Tabu (2012)

Tabu is beautiful, but kind of disappointing.

Directed by Miguel Gomes
Produced by Sandro Aguilar and Luis Urbano
Written by Miguel Gomes and Mariana Ricardo
Starring Teresa Madruga, Laura Soveral, Ana Moreira, Carloto Cotta, Isabel Cardoso, Henrique Espirito Santo, Ivo Müller and Manuel Mesquita

Plot Summary: A deceased woman's neighbor and maid look for a man who can reveal her mysterious African past.

Significance: As one of the most celebrated international films of 2012, it received a lot of awards attention, which included the FIPRESCI Prize at the Berlin International Film Festival and 6 nominations (and a screenplay win) at the International Cinephile Society Awards. Sight & Sound Magazine even listed it as the #2 film of 2012. Also, the title references the brilliant 1931 film of the same name directed by F.W. Murnau.

Thoughts: This has been on my watchlist for a couple of years, so I went into it expecting something great, especially since Guy Lodge - one of my favorite critics, no less - listed it as his top film of 2012. Overall, the film is somewhat disappointing, but still an interesting viewing experience. Visually the film is first-rate, and Gomes does have wonderful creative strokes in his style and screenplay. Though, the film is more a diamond in the rough than a cinematic triumph. Despite the uniformly exquisite black and white cinematography, which adds a nostalgic luster to the rugged landscapes and dark interiors, the film feels too clunky on the whole. It's disjointed, and the various sequences don't mesh as well as they could. Though, I fully intend to revisit the film in the future. It's odd, charming, and beautiful to look at; I just wish I loved it.

Rating: B+

This is the fourth film in my 2015 Blind Spot Series, as first started by Ryan McNeil.


  1. This is on my watchlist for some point in the next few's too bad that the film didn't wow you.

    1. I liked it, but I was hoping for a little more. Hope you love it! :)

  2. The plot summary alone intrigues me but too bad it's disjointed. Interesting that a reviewer's top list made you curious to check it out. I quite like Guy Lodge too.

    1. Yeah, I'll watch it again some time, but I was a little disappointed. I love Guy Lodge's taste in film. He always has interesting favorites.

  3. I agree, it's a gorgeous film but I was also slightly disappointed.

    1. The cinematography is wonderful, and I love the concept of the film. I just wish it worked better.

  4. I saw Tabu a few years ago. The soundtrack and visuals create a particular mood. The Africa scenes stayed with me the most, but it was probably stronger for atmosphere than actual story.
    As you did, I liked it, didn't love it.

    1. Yeah, visually the film was on point, but it was lacking elsewhere.
