
Monday, September 9, 2013

Oscar Oddity #15: Best Picture Singles

Singles only, please.

Of the 505 films nominated for Best Picture, only 17 have been nominated for the top prize and nothing else. These single nominations mostly occurred in years with 10 or more Best Picture nominations, but the 1931/32 lineup was the year of the single Best Picture nominees.

In that year, 4 of the 8 Best Picture nominees were single ones. The films were Five Star Final, Grand Hotel (pictured above), One Hour with You, and The Smiling Lieutenant. (Of course, Grand Hotel actually made its own history by winning Best Picture, becoming the only film to sweep by winning only Best Picture.) This is the most single Best Picture nominees in one year ever, and it's also the largest percentage of them. Not bad for the Academy's fifth ceremony.


  1. LOL, this is hilarious. I've nominated 3 films for BP and nothing else...and I thought I was crazy. I guess I'm not so crazy after all.

    1. Yeah, I didn't realize that it had happened that much. I don't think I've ever nominated a film for Best Picture and nothing else. I do have some that were only nominated for Picture and Director, though, like Rosetta and Funny Games.

  2. WOW, that is quite unusual to be nominated ONLY for Best Picture and nothing else. Very interesting trivia Josh!

    1. Very interesting. I didn't know that this had ever happened. It hardly seems plausible to only get nominated Best Pic. Thanks for the education.

    2. Thanks. Glad you liked it.

      Yeah, as far as I know, I haven't nominated a film for Best Picture and nothing else. Though, I have nominated some films for only Best Picture and Best Director.
