
Sunday, August 4, 2013

10 People Who Should Host the Oscars

After sitting out for a few years, Ellen DeGeneres is returning as next year's Oscar host. She's a good choice, but I couldn't help thinking about who else I'd like to see on that stage. Note: I've included two duos, so it's technically twelve people. Also, these are in no particular order.

Robert Downey Jr.
A dry sense of humor could work.

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler
Just watch this.

Ricky Gervais
Not exactly Oscar-friendly, but I loved his edgy Globes material.

Tom Hanks
Who doesn't love Tom Hanks?

Woody Allen
The only challenge is getting him to show up… again.

Emma Stone
A breath of fresh air.

Louis CK
Great jokes, but too much of an outsider?

Sandra Bullock
Yeah, I said it.

Hugh Jackman and Neil Patrick Harris
This song and dance duo seems like a no-brainer... again.

Kevin Spacey
Charismatic and could charm the crowd.


  1. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler were wonderful at the Golden Globes. They'd knock it out of the park at the Oscars!
    I can see Sandra hosting MTV Movie Awards, but maybe not Oscars. I'd love to see an all female comedian group host - As talented as she is on her own, she'd be great in a group.

    1. I'd love it if Fey and Poehler hosted! Good idea on an all female comedian group hosting. I thought of a Bridesmaids reunion, but that might be too much.

  2. With the exception of Sandra Bullock and maybe Ricky Gervais (if he doesn't survive the first 10 minutes of insulting everyone), I'm pretty much down with the rest of that list.

    1. Nice. I don't know if it would work with Bullock, but I'd love to see it. Gervais isn't right for the Oscars, and that's why I'd be curious to see how the ceremony went.

  3. If Fey and Poehler were to host the Oscars, my life would be complete.
    They should get Jackman and NPH to host! What is life without a bit of song and dance? Glad Ellen is doing it next year :)

    1. Yeah, I think Ellen will do a fine job, but it'd be great to see Fey/Poehler or Jackman/NPH up there together. :)

  4. Louis C.K hosting would be hilarious. He'd be so mean to everyone, and I would love every minute of it. Amy and Tina would be great as well.

    1. Either of those choices would be awesome!

  5. I don't know if they can convince him to step in, would love to see Robert Downey Jr. host, I like his dry sense of humor.
    Tom Hanks obviously has a history in comedy. As you say, almost everyone loves Hanks, so could see that happening.

    1. I like RDJ's dry sense of humor as well. He might be my top choice, and Hanks would be in my top 5.

  6. The key is getting someone who isn't just funny, but is used to entertaining. That is why Ellen worked so well, and why Jackman worked as well. Jackman wasn't really all that funny, but he was bloody entertaining. Ellen was both. Fey and Poehler would be amazing.

    1. Yeah, I doubt some of these picks would be successful, but I'd love to see them try. Oh, Fey and Poehler would be near the top of my list. :)

  7. All excellent picks Josh!! Tom Hanks is so lovable, I'd be smiling the entire time!

    1. Thanks! Hanks is so great in interviews, and he has class, too. He'd make a great host.

  8. Nice list! I'd definitely like to see Tom Hanks up on that stage.

  9. Oh, RDJ would be hilarious. I'd love for CK or Gervais to host but they are way too edgy for the Academy :/

    1. RDJ would be brilliant. CK or Gervais will probably never even be asked to do it, but it'd be awesome if that happened.

  10. Oh I'd love to see RDJ do it, maybe tag team w/ Hugh Jackman? Blech on Gervais, I don't care for his 'humor' that's sooo not funny.

    Btw, I linked back to your Oscar predictions post from my post yesterday, I love that you put Chiwetel Ejiofor on your list! :D

    1. Ooh, that tag team is intriguing. Yeah, I know Gervais' sense of humor isn't for everyone.

      Thanks again for the link! :)

  11. Love this. I personally think Hanks and/or Spacey would make excellent hosts. I feel like Hanks is just a matter of time. He'd kill it with class.

    1. Thanks man. I hope Hanks happens. It would be the first time I'd be really excited about an Oscar host.

  12. Amy and Tina would be amazing!
    Hugh Jackman and NPH would be a good match too.

    Coen would be fun too.

    1. You mean Sacha Baron Cohen? I'm not sure the Academy would go for him. Then again, he did get nominated, so who knows?
