
Friday, September 14, 2012

Best Cinematography: 1970s

1970: The Conformist (Vittorio Storaro)
Oscar winner: Ryan's Daughter
Was this film nominated?: No

1971: A Clockwork Orange (John Alcott)
Oscar winner: Fiddler on the Roof
Was this film nominated?: No

1972: The Godfather (Gordon Willis)
Oscar winner: Cabaret
Was this film nominated?: No

1973: Cries and Whispers (Sven Nykvist)
Oscar winner: Cries and Whispers

1974: Chinatown (John A. Alonzo)
Oscar winner: The Towering Inferno
Was this film nominated?: Yes

1975: Barry Lyndon (John Alcott)
Oscar winner: Barry Lyndon

1976: Taxi Driver (Michael Chapman)
Oscar winner: Bound for Glory
Was this film nominated?: No

1977: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Vilmos Zsigman)
Oscar winner: Close Encounters of the Third Kind

1978: Days of Heaven (Nestor Almendros)
Oscar winner: Days of Heaven

1979: Apocalypse Now (Vittorio Storaro)
Oscar winner: Apocalypse Now

Update: My Best Actor and Best Actress picks have been updated with the relevant Oscar information. The supporting categories will be updated soon.


  1. Great list! Love the inclusion of Taxi Driver and Chinatown, love the cinematography in these two.

    1. Thanks! I think this was a great decade for cinematography.

  2. These are stunning images indeed, Josh. Days of Heaven is still one of Malick's most beautiful film, who knew wheat fields could be so evocative?

    1. Days of Heaven is probably his best looking film overall, but The Tree of Life has far more iconic images. It's a toss-up for me. Either way, they're both beautiful.

  3. Cries and Whispers and Days of Heaven are so beautiful, and Taxi Driver is a magnificent choice too. The frame you chose from Cries and Whispers is one of my favorites. That image from A Clockwork Orange is haunting. That's a movie I haven't worked up the nerve to watch yet. :)

    1. Love the cinematography of those films, and that Cries and Whispers shot is like a beautiful painting.

      Haha. A Clockwork Orange might be a tough watch. It was quite shocking when I first saw it. On a second viewing, it was slightly less abrasive, but still fascinating.

  4. A Clockwork Orange is perfect looking in that perfect Kubrick way. Love it.

    The fact that The Godfather wasn’t nominated is just laughable. Same for Taxi Driver.

    Great stuff all around here. Cries and Whispers is one of the best looking films I've ever seen. Ah, love it.

    1. Glad you approve. Agree with everything you said. At least Cries and Whispers pulled off the win though. (The Academy makes me rationalize way too often.) :)

    2. Ha, well, occasionally they get it very very right. Occasionally.

    3. That's the key word, isn't it?
