
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Review: Ghost World (2001)

Rebecca (Johansson) and Enid (Birch) spying.

Directed by Terry Zwigoff
Produced by Lianne Halfon, John Malkovich, and Russell Smith
Written by Daniel Clowes and Terry Zwigoff (screenplay); Daniel Clowes (comic book)
Starring Thora Birch, Scarlett Johansson, Brad Renfro, Illeana Douglas, and Steve Buscemi


Zwigoff's first narrative feature follows two high school graduates, Enid (Birch) and Rebecca (Johansson), as they search to find their place in the real world after graduation. Rebecca quickly finds a job, and Enid continues to drift while she takes a remedial art class over the summer. After they play a cruel prank on an unsuspecting loner named Seymour (Buscemi), Enid becomes interested in him, learning about his record collection, getting him a girlfriend, and making a controversial artwork in the process. Their friendship changes them both, but it is not without its rocky moments.  While Seymour shifts focus to his girlfriend, Enid struggles to cope and fights with Rebecca. Enid's two key relationships are on the line, and she must do her utmost to keep both friendships alive.

Quirky indie films can be hit or miss for me, but this particular one was outstanding. The relationship dynamic between Enid and Rebecca and the one between Enid and Seymour are perfectly written. In other words, these characters talk like they should, each with their own ticks and ways of speaking, which makes their interactions believable and entertaining. Of course, these characters wouldn't be as fun and as authentic without their actor vessels in Birch, Johansson, and Buscemi. Birch is phenomenal as Enid because she creates a witty, scene-stealing performance in a lead role. Johansson as Rebecca is also impeccable, filling the shoes of a character who is more driven and more socially conventional than Enid. And Buscemi gives one of his best performances in the role of a nice guy who just can't connect with the opposite sex. The writing and the performances are terrific in this film, and are reasons to see this indie treasure.

Oscar Tally: Nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay (Cha-ching.)


  1. I'm really happy that you liked Ghost World! A lovely review you wrote about it, too!

    1. Thanks! I loved the film, and your mention of it on your Liebster post gave me the nudge to finally see it. Thanks for that! :)

  2. I saw this article and instantly thought "it was Cherokee geeking out over this right?" and here she is!

    Next step, get the book Josh!

    1. Haha. I actually just ordered the book, so I'll get to that when it arrives.

    2. Laughed at Toby's comment. You'll love the comic, Josh. Completely different to the film in terms of what happens, but it works so well, and I may even prefer it to the film.

    3. The comic looks great, and I can't wait to see what happens.

  3. Oh my, look at how young she and Scarlett Johansson were in that pic. I've only seen Birch in American Beauty. She seems talented but somehow her career never quite take off.

    1. Birch is much better in this film than American Beauty. I highly recommend it. It's strange that her career never went anywhere after this film. She is a BAFTA and Golden Globe nominee, but she hasn't done much since. A shame, really.

  4. I haven't seen this yet, though I have a weakness for quirky indies, and it sounds like a movie I'd thoroughly enjoy. Based on your review, it sounds like these 2 characters play off each other very well.

    1. They do indeed. Birch and Johansson have great chemistry, as do Birch and Buscemi. Highly recommend it.

  5. Great review! I liked this movie much more upon second viewing, I agree it's one of Buscemi's best performances. The script was fantastic and I really liked the quirky atmosphere of the movie.

    1. Thanks! Glad you liked the film. The atmosphere, the writing, and Buscemi are all terrific.

  6. Good review. I agree with you about the performances from the cast. They are all very good. I read the comics and the movie is a good copy of that story.

    1. Thanks! I bought the comic after I saw the film, and I still haven't read it. I should do that.
