
Friday, July 31, 2015

Top 100 Favorite Films List Updated

Coppola's Apocalypse Now remains one of my favorites.

Apparently, I hadn't updated my top 100 list on here since the end of last year. Check out my fresh (and snub-filled) list here.


  1. Great to see The Decalogue so high, it's so rewatchable. Just reviewed your #82 The Killing of a Chinese Bookie. Didn't love it as much as you, but Ben Gazzara delivered a terrific nuanced performance, which elevated the film for me.

    1. Gazzara is so good in The Killing of a Chinese Bookie. I just love the grit of that film. The Decalogue is a masterpiece, and I really need to revisit it. I've not seen it in a few years, so I should give it another look.

  2. Terrific list! We share a dozen titles, All the President’s Men, Sense & Sensibility, Hannah & Her Sisters, The Birds, The Shop Around the Corner, Raiders of the Lost Ark, L.A. Confidential, Sunset Blvd., Notorious, The Maltese Falcon, Rear Window and Casablanca, that would make my list as well.

    Five others that would be hovering just beneath my top 100, Wages of Fear, 42nd Street, Arsenic and Old Lace, The Wages of Fear and Wild Strawberries.

    1. Thanks! Oh, I love that we share those titles, as well the ones that almost make your list. Haha, it's SO hard to narrow a list down to 100. I left out a lot of films I adore.
