
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Curious CinSpec Case of Simon Pegg

Pegg deserved some kind of nomination.

A few weeks ago I watched Paul, and it reminded me of how much I love Simon Pegg. Even when the film isn't one of his best, he still has a wonderful comic presence, and it's always great to see him on screen. I really wanted to nominate him for a CinSpec, so I put him in my 2013 Best Actor lineup (for The World's End) and moved Jack Reynor (for What Richard Did) to my 2012 one. Though, that just didn't seem to fit as well as I would've liked.

So, I've put Reynor back in 2013 and added Philip Seymour Hoffman (for The Master) to my 2012 Best Actor lineup. Hoffman's category placement was always questionable to me, but I'm happy to give him another nomination. Meanwhile, Pegg now gets a 2004 Best Original Screenplay nomination for Shaun of the Dead, which allows me to give Edgar Wright his first nomination as well. Basically, that's a long way of saying I wanted to give Simon Pegg a CinSpec nomination, and I've finally settled on a spot for him.

Check out the new images below, which are also on their respective ballot posts. Note: I've included an image for my 2004 Best Original Screenplay lineup, but I haven't finished/posted images for that year yet. Also, I've updated the Acting Nominations Database accordingly.


  1. Simon Pegg is fun. Even if I haven't liked all of his films, I've always enjoyed watching him.

    1. Yeah, I even enjoy his brief work in the M:I films. Can't wait for Rogue Nation.

  2. OMG! Hoffman in lead!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!

  3. The best thing about having your own awards: giving your favourite films/actors/directors/writers/all the other underrated and Oscar ignored people who work in film loads of nominations and wins :D Yay for Pegg, yay for Hoffman in lead.

    1. Ha, indeed. Now I just need to find room for actors like James McAvoy and Rooney Mara, among many others.
