
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Top 10 Films That I Don't Nominate in 2007

I don't even nominate Juno.

Tomorrow I'm posting my 2007 ballot, which represents one of my favorite years in cinema. However, I left out a lot of films I love, and I wanted to acknowledge them beforehand.

10. The Savages (dir. Tamara Jenkins)

9. Grindhouse (dir. R. Rodriguez & Q. Tarantino)

8. Superbad (dir. Greg Mottola)

7. Death at a Funeral (dir. Frank Oz)

6. Quiet City (dir. Aaron Katz)

5. Waitress (dir. Adrienne Shelley)

4. Disturbia (dir. D.J. Caruso)

3. Hot Fuzz (dir. Edgar Wright)

2. Into the Wild (dir. Sean Penn)

1. Zodiac (dir. David Fincher)


  1. Wow... I have a question... do any of the films from my list are nominated?

    1. Yeah, I have 2 of your top 5 in my top 5, and one of them is my winner. Also, I nominate 21 of the films on your list. Some others on your list, like Paranoid Park, The Vistor, Snow Angels, and My Winnipeg, I consider 2008 releases.

  2. Replies
    1. There were too many great movies in 2007. I just couldn't find room for it.

  3. So I take it you're not a fan of Juno? :) I enjoyed reading this list. I also liked the Savages and Waitress a lot, and I loved Death at a Funeral. I didn't care for Disturbia. For some reason, it felt too much like a typical thriller to me.

    1. Oh, I like Juno. It just didn't fit anywhere on my ballot. ;) Yeah, I'm one of Disturbia's few fans. :)

  4. LOVE Hot Fuzz, my fave of the Cornetto Trilogy! Oh I like the British version of Death at a Funeral, wish it wasn't remade here in the US.

    1. Yeah, I haven't even bothered watching the remake of Death at a Funeral.

  5. I'm glad you liked Disturbia, I thought I was the only one. I had a good time watching it!

    1. Yay! I've loved Disturbia ever since I saw it opening day. LaBeouf was actually a contender for a Best Actor nod, but I couldn't make room for him.

  6. Zodiac. LOVE that damn film.

    The theatrical Grindhouse experience was amazing. Midnight showing, opening night, packed house. Place was nuts. I was so bummed that the movie performed as poorly. Oh well, I still love it.

    1. Yeah, I really wanted to include Zodiac on my ballot, but this year was just too great. Grindhouse is a lot of fun. I dig it.

  7. Great to see you enjoy Superbad this is one of my all time favorite comedies, such a funny movie. McLovin is a legend :P

    1. Love that film. McLovin is an awesome character. :)
