
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Where Will Ben Affleck Rank as Batman?

Ok, let me say this first: I don't hate the casting decision of Ben Affleck as the seasoned Bruce Wayne. Batman is my favorite superhero, and I've been a fan since I was a child. I want great Batman films. Christopher Nolan spoiled me, but I'm willing to accept a step down if the film is good on the whole. In short, I care about what happens to this character and how he's portrayed.

Affleck probably wouldn't even make my top 25 actor choices for the character, but I refuse to believe he'll be the worst Batman ever. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Let's wait until the film comes out, though.

Acting isn't Affleck's strong suit. I get that, and I understand the knee-jerk reaction to this casting news. Still, I can't see what the fuss is about. Look at who's played Batman in the last 25 years. Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney and Christian Bale.

If I were ranking them, my list would be: (Best to worst Batman)

1. Christian Bale
2. Michael Keaton
3. Val Kilmer
4. George Clooney

Will Affleck really be worse than Clooney? Could he be that hammy? Given his more recent work, I think not. He's been giving solid dramatic performances since 2006, and I think he can bring something to the role, as long as he treats it like a straight dramatic one. Sure, he won't be amazing, but I can see him being perfectly adequate.

Yes, Batman vs. Superman will be a letdown. It's almost certain. But surely Affleck has a shot at passing some of the actors on that list. Come what may, I'm willing to wait and see.

So, where will Affleck rank? My best guess is behind Bale and Keaton.


  1. What about Adam West as Batman in the 1966 movie?

    1. Since the gap between the 1966 movie and Burton's first movie was so long, I left him off and focused on the more recent actors who've played Batman. I'm not sure where I'd rank West. Maybe beneath Kilmer?

  2. I totally agree w/ your ranking! I sure hope Affleck would actually be at least on par w/ Keaton. I don't think he'd beat Bale for me in the role.

  3. If Affleck's Batsuit has nipples, I'll fucking cry. I would rank them in the same order as you did, and I don't see Affleck even getting near the greatness that was Christian Bale. I think I'd trust him more if he was directing Batman, rather than acting in it.

    1. Haha, I don't think they'll go that far. I agree on Affleck directing, but I'm interested to see how his performance turns out.

  4. This is how I look at it; fuck Batman, we need an actor who can play Bruce Wayne. All Batman has to do it talk like a smoker and act all grumpy while he spouts tacky dialog and one-liners. Bruce Wayne is where the acting chops come into play, and he's the one reason why Christian Bale was the perfect choice for the part. Wayne is a charming playboy who is tattered and haunted by a past and covers that over with an arrogance that is offputting to most but endearing to an audience. Bale found that perfect balance. In all honesty, I think Affleck can do that. He has the look of polish and privilege, and he has this earthy charm that is hard to fake. He also can play rather arrogant, so if he can meld the two together he may knock this out of the park!

    1. Great point. I should've made the distinction between Bruce Wayne and Batman, but I agree Affleck can serve both roles well.

  5. He is going to at least be #2 and if they let him direct he would have a shot at #1,

    1. Yeah, he could definitely be #2. I think he'll at least be #3, but his competition isn't that tough. Really, I think people have forgotten the pre-Nolan Batman performers, who weren't anywhere near as good as Bale.

  6. I think it depends on the movie. If the studio holds Snyder and his silly ideas back, Affleck may be all right. If Snyder goes Sucker Punch on this, they are all doomed.

    1. Yeah, I could see that happening, but I think Affleck's performance should be fine, even if the film is bad. Of course, they could be doomed, like you said.

  7. Yeah, I'm with you, I think Affleck will be good, but now Keaton/Bale good. I'm know he has a lot of haters concerning this performance, but I'm actually rooting for him.

    1. I'm rooting for him too. I'd love for the film to be amazing, but I'd settle for good performances from Affleck and Cavill.
